Our Team

Pedro Lopez

Pedro Lopez


Pedro, a native of southwestern Mexico, embodies the spirit of resilience and determination. At the age of 16, driven by a desire for economic and personal advancement, Pedro made the courageous decision to leave his family and emigrate to the United States. Coming from humble beginnings, he found his footing in the construction industry, where he honed his skills and work ethic over more than two decades.

Today, as a successful entrepreneur, Pedro’s commitment to excellence shines through in every project undertaken by his company.

Dulce Lopez

Dulce Lopez


Originally from Mexico and raised by her grandparents with a solid education based on principles and values, is a professional committed to excelling in life. Her relentless determination, combined with impeccable work ethic, has led her to overcome obstacles with grace and determination.

Her commitment to excellence and passion for personal growth make her an unstoppable force in achieving her personal and professional goals.

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